Saturday 30 September 2017

The Pirate Treasure

On a treasure hunt with the Brittany, Sam and the girls.

Finally finding the treasure

Friday 12 May 2017

Awesome Lemon Show

Watch our video and watch the lemon fall

Need a cup, with water in it
A plate
A toilet roll 
A lemon.

1. First you put the lemon on the toilet roll vertical.
2. Next you knock the plate and the toilet roll. 

The lemon landed in the water , safely.

By Caz and Zac 

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Describing this dog

Today I wrote a story about a dog(dog down bottom)

The bottom of the dogs chin looks like the colour of glue! 
The colour of his nose is light black.
The dogs fur is brown.
The dogs tongue is pink.
The dogs ears are short and floppy.
The dogs eyes are dark brown.
The dog has a chain on his neck.
The end , By Caz

Thursday 3 December 2015

Triangular pyramid

Today I made a triangular pyramid at maths time!

Thursday 26 November 2015

Man and the robot.

The Man and the robot are inside. The robot has four dangley eyes. His crab legs crawl along the ground.